Hoping to learn more about the latest pest control techniques, or wanting to learn more about a specific type of pest? Explore our collection of blog posts for expert knowledge and insights. Our blog has something for everyone, whether you’re facing an infestation or simply interested in the pest control industry. Janssen Pest Solutions is here to keep you informed and pest-free.

  • Illustration of a termite infestation by Janssen Pest Control. A house in Des Moines is shown above ground with markers indicating termite activity. Below ground, termites are depicted near the residence, with an underground termite bait station detecting the pests.

    Termite Prevention Tips

    Why Termite Prevention is Important! Termite prevention is a great topic for home owners in Des Moines, Urbandale, Johnston and…

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  • A close-up image of a single ant, shown from above on a white background. The ant has a dark head and thorax, with a reddish-brown middle section and legs. Its segmented body consists of three main parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen—an ideal subject for Janssen Pest Control in Des Moines to handle.

    Ants in your Pantry?

    Odorous House Ants (Tapinoma Sessile):  Often referred to as “sugar ants” these small black or brown colored ants are about…

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