Pest Control Ankeny, Iowa

When pests come knocking, trust Janssen Pest Solutions for all of your pest control Ankeny needs. When our certified pest control technicians arrive at your home or business they come ready to do battle with Carpenter ants, Centipedes, wasps, mice and more!  Our pest control products are designed to eliminate pests and leave a pest free, happy healthy environment. Protecting your home or business from Ankeny pests is our primary goal.

Benefits of our Green Guard Ankeny Pest Control service package.

  • Hassel free auto bill and there is no need to be home for our summer pest control services.
  • Many common pests are covered and are serviced at no additional cost with this service agreement you can trust our “pest free Guarantee
  • Say good bye to unsightly cob webs. We remove spider webs at each service to help keep your home looking great.

Ankeny Pest control from Janssen Pest Solutions is a great way to keep your family happy and healthy. Our seasonally driven program considers pests that are most prevalent in the months of our service and we select only premium pest control products that are effective and are long lasting with little to no smell at all. Each pest control technician is trained on IPM and product labels, is licensed in the state of Iowa and arrives in a marked pest control vehicle. All of our vehicles also are tracked via an on board GPS to ensure safe driving in your neighborhood!

Bed Bug Control Ankeny, Iowa

Bed bug treatments Ankeny from Janssen Pest Solutions are the very best bed bug treatment option available. Our canine bed bug detection team is W.D.D.O certified and we were the first pest control company in Iowa to utilize canine bed bug detection for identifying bed bug infestations quickly. Our thermal remediation service controls Ankeny bed bugs using a total heat system. Bed bug heat treatments have been proven to effectively control bed bugs, and we have thousands of bed bug control customers that are sleeping better tonight because of it. If you think you have bed bugs, we offer free visual inspections as well as canine bed bug inspections (there is a charge for canine bed bug inspections). If bed bugs have been confirmed in your Ankeny home will schedule a bed bug heat treatment to get you back to having a good night sleep!

Termite Control Ankeny, Iowa

Janssen Pest Solutions has been a Termite Control Ankeny expert since 1987. We have been an authorized Sentricon installation company for over 20 years!  No other pest control company in central Iowa can claim that distinction. The Sentricon colony elimination System has been shown by more than 30 independent university studies to kills the entire termite colony.

If you suspect termites are invading you Ankeny home, or want to prevent termites from gaining a foot hold on your property give us a call today at 515-223-0269

Should You Do Your Own Pest Control?

DIY pest control products are easy to access from local hardware stores and grocery stores. Products like Home Defense, Raid, Hot Shot and others can be a tool in for Ankeny and central Iowa home owners but is DIY pest control your best choice for solving pest problems? Many of our pest control customers had or have used over the counter pest control products, but is it a good idea for you and your family?

Active Ingredients
Active ingredients are the chemistry that actually kills pests around your home. Janssen Pest Control technicians spend about 30 hours of training to understand how active ingredients interact with pests and the environment. Many products available to consumers have a similar active ingredient as professional grade products. These ingredients include bifinthrin, Cypermethrin, and other active ingredients ending in “thrin” are members of a class of insecticides called synthetic pyrethroids. These class of insecticides are commonly used by professionals.

So why does that matter? Professional applicators in Iowa must take and pass certification tests that prove they are knowledgeable enough to safely apply pesticides in and around structures. Home owners are not required to study and take these certification exams and often are unaware of the products proper use and handling.

Formulation is the way a product is either diluted, suspended or attached to a delivery method. Examples include bait, emulsifiable concentrate (EC), suspended concentrates (SC), water soluble granules (WSG) and aerosol formulations among others. Each of these formulations have their benefits and their downfalls and all are available to consumers for a local hardware store or via a website. So what is the difference and why does it matter? As stated before, each formulation is appropriate for different types of active ingredients and different kinds of pests. Our pest control technicians are trained weekly on product labels to stay on top of changes in the pest control industry and to be sure they always are following label directions when applying around our customers’ homes and businesses. Unfortunately many home owners don’t fully read or understand the labeled direction on pest control products that they purchases and that can have a harmful effect on the environment and their families’ health.

Product Labels (the label is the law)
Most people have seen the term “It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling” on products they have purchased. These means that mis-applying or using this product incorrectly could result in fines and or imprisonment. Of course most of the time people don’t find themselves in prison for using products “off label” but it is an important consideration when choosing to perform your own pest control at home. Labels can be difficult to read and understand and require time and research to understand the proper way to use certain products. Our Janssen Pest Control technicians spend a great deal studying and understand product labels before they ever use them in a customer’s home.

Time, Quantity and Price
Properly performing pest control around your home can be time consuming, especially considering the previously mentioned factors regarding selecting the right products to use in your home. Once you select the product, read and understand the label and apply it you have spent several hours at the hardware store, and plenty of time in the garage reading the label. All pest control products are designed to degrade over time to minimize their impact on the environment and for maximum protection need to be reapplied on a regular basis. All of this takes time. Many of the products sold over the counter cost between 10 and 30 dollars and are often packed in sizes less than 1 gallon. To effectively treat a home for pests following labeled directions it may take between 2 and 5 gallons of product if the exterior is properly treated. That’s $20.00 to $100.00 per application just for the product.

Doing your own pest control can be done, but often is more costly and more time intensive then many home owners may think.  Trust Janssen Pest Solutions to help you exterminate pest issues and keep your home and the environment happy and healthy.  Contact us for a free estimate today!

Pest Control Johnston

Pest Control Johnston, Iowa
When pests come knocking, trust Janssen Pest Solutions for all of your pest control Johnston needs! Our certified pest control technicians can provide you with effective pest control solutions for ants, bed bugs, spiders, roaches and more! Our pest control products are designed to eliminate pests and leave a pest free, happy healthy environment. Protecting your home or business in Johnston from pests is our primary goal. We work to provide an exceptional customer experience from start to finish.  From the moment you call to well after our service is preformed and the pest are long gone, we have designed a customer experience that ensures you and your families safety is our primary focus.

Our Green Guard Pest Control Program is perfect for a busy family.  Exterior driven pest control removes scheduling hassles while making sure you don’t have any pest control issues between services.  If pests do come back you know you can count on out pest free guarantee.  Our technicians are all certified pest control applicators, have been background checked, are tracked via GPS and receive 60 hours of continuing education per year!  When you contact Janssen Pest Solutions you can rest assured you will receive the very best pest control experience possible.

Bed Bug Control Johnston, Iowa

Bed bugs are not just a nursery rhyme, Bed bug treatments Johnston from Janssen Pest Solutions are the very bed bug treatment option available. We work to be the most educated bed bug exterminators in Iowa and have attended several global bed bug summits to make sure all of our treatment techniques are the most effective treatment options available. We worked with the Iowa department of public health to develop best treatment practices for pest control companies in Iowa. Our heat treatment coupled with our canine bed bug inspections are the very best bed bug treatment options available to the pest control industry.

Termite Control Johnston, Iowa

Janssen Pest Solutions has been a Termite Control Johnston expert since 1987.  We have been an authorized Sentricon installation company for over 20 years!  No other pest control company in central Iowa can claim that distinction. The Sentricon colony elimination System has been shown by more than 30 independent university studies to kills the entire termite colony.


If you suspect termites are invading you Johnston home, our want to prevent from gaining a foot hold on your property give us a call today at 515-223-0269

What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Why you should demand it for your West Des Moines Home

What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated pest management has been a term used in West Des Moines pest control and by pest control companies throughout the United States since the early 90’s.  As science and the pest control industry has evolved pest control experts have developed ways to control pest in a better way.  IPM in short, is the practice of identifying the type of pest, recommending physical, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological and educational programs to keep pest populations low enough to prevent intolerable damage or annoyance and monitoring the pest activity to quickly identify and eliminate fledgling pest populations.  Understanding these key principles is what helps Janssen Pest Solutions stand out above the pack in West Des Moines pest control and achieve amazing results for our pest control customers.

Step 1. Identification


Pests must be properly identified in order to recommend an effective treatment.  Janssen technicians receive 60 hours of continuing education each year to ensure they are truly pest control experts.  Once a pest is identified, an inspection must ensue in order to find and help eliminate conditions that are promoting the pest population.  All pests have a life cycle, and these life cycles are quite different depending on the species of pest that is found.  For example, fire brats and silverfish are very similar in size, shape and color.  They are classified in the same group of pest, “bristle tails” but they have very different habitats and preferred breading sites.  A properly trained and certified pest control technician knows the difference and knows where to look to control either pest.

Step 2. Recommending Modifications
Modifications cover the areas of physical, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological and educational controls.  Some simple examples of this include removing trash that may be the source of fruit fly or house fly breading.  This technique requires no chemical control method and is very effective.  Another example is pest control exclusion.  Often time a home owner will call about a mouse problem they are having.  Upon identifying the type of mouse (there are over 10 species of mice found in Iowa) our technician will find areas where mice can easily gain entry into a home.  Sealing up utility penetrations, repairing soffits and installing door sweeps can prevent new mice from entering the home.

Landscaping can have a large impact on pest populations around West Des Moines homes as well. Mulch is a great tools for gardeners as it is designed to retain moisture to ensure plants remain healthy in the warm West Des Moines Summers.  Pests also thrive in moist environments and it has been said that all pest issues can be related back to moisture.  River rock is the preferred alternative to help provide an environmental control measure near homes.  Things like trimming trees and bushes back as well as removing toys and other items that catch rainfall can be helpful in reducing pest populations and preventing them from being able to bread around your West Des Moines Home.

Step 3. Pest Control Treatment (if required) 
West Des Moines pest control treatments should consider the pest issues that are prevalent during season or that may be prevalent during the coming season.  Different products are labeled for different pests, beyond that certain products are more effective against one pest then another.  This product efficacy is the basis for our green guard treatment program.  Janssen Pest Control Technicians will consider a number of factors when selecting the right product for the job.  These considerations include the environment that the product will be placed, the pests found in your West Des Moines homes area as well as who will potentially interact with the product, your family and your pets.  We select products that are effective yet ensure you and your family have a healthy, happy home!

Step 4.  Monitoring for future pest Activity
Janssen Pest control technicians have a great deal of knowledge and resources to monitor for future pest activity to prevent future pest infestations.  Items like insect monitors, bait stations and sightings logs are excellent tools to help identify and prevent future pest infestations from occurring.  Regular preventative pest control treatments and pest inspections can save West Des Moines Home owners a lot of time and money.  Consider our Green Guard pest control program to prevent future pest problems and if pests do come knocking, you know you can count on our pest free guarantee!

Seven Tips Every Property Manager Should Know About Bed Bugs in Apartments

Seven Tips Every Property Manager Should Know About Bed Bugs in Apartments
If bed bugs have become a problem in your apartment buildings or your just trying to prevent bed bugs from gaining a foot hold on your property, here a seven tips every property manager should know to control and prevent bed bugs from becoming a real headache.

1. Research local laws in your area
Bed bugs can be a highly litigious pest and there may be laws in your area that govern how to handle these situations.  Work with a licensed attorney to develop a lease that protects you and your property from the legal issues that are related to bed bugs in your apartments.  You may want to consider your tenants duty to notify you about their bed bug issues.  When should they notify you, how should they notify you (in writing, email, or phone call).  Who is responsible for paying for the bed bug service if needed?  What happens if the tenant doesn’t comply with recommended treatment protocols?  Can the tenant hire their own pest control company to perform the bed bug treatment?  There is a lot to consider, working with an experience pest control company as well as a good attorney will help you find a lease addendum that is right for you and right for your company.

2. Conduct regular bed bug inspections to get a snap shot of your properties health.
Regular bed bug inspections can help you get a snap shot of your apartment’s health as it relates to bed bugs.  Many tenants do not know or recognize they have a bed bug problem for weeks or even months.  Bed bug populations can swell from a few bed bugs, to hundreds of bed bugs in matter of weeks.  Once a bed bugs have established a foothold in a unit they can travel to adjacent units easily.  Our canine detection team can quickly identify bed bug problems (averaging 5-7 min per unit), sometimes before the tenant even knows they have bed bugs saving you money and additional headaches.  Many of our client conduct quarterly bed bug inspections as well as bed bug inspections following a move out to assist in due diligent and reduce the chance of moving a new tenant into a bed bug infestation left by the previous tenant.

3. Be able to identify signs of bed bugs and train your maintenance staff to do the same.

Training yourself and your staff on what signs of bed bugs look like it a great idea.  If a maintenance tech is completing a repair order and finds evidence of unreported bed bugs he/she should get a gold star!  Identifying bed bug evidence can be tricky and an actual confirmation should be made by a licensed pest control technician.  If you know what to look for, you can save yourself some trouble and be a hero to your tenants.  Common bed bug signs include fecal spotting on sheets, bedding, couches and in the ceiling wall juncture.  Some experts believe that heavy infestations often have a unique smell exclusive to bed bug infestations.  Cast skins and live insects are also a good indicator that bed bugs are present.

4. Don’t panic, and don’t point fingers.
If you have taken the time to implement a lease addendum you likely have set a course of action in the event bed bugs are found on your property.  Unfortunately there is no conclusive test to tell where bed bugs came from.  That fact can be very beneficial and also very detrimental to property managers.  Because there is no way to tell where bed bugs came from, it is difficult to prove that you the property manager, moved a tenant into a bed bug infested unit.  Also it is difficult to prove that the tenant brought the bed bugs in to the unit.

Don’t point fingers, contact a certified and experienced bed bug control expert like Janssen Pest Solutions to treat the unit and get the tenant back to living a bed bug free life.  If you and your tenant follow your bed bug lease addendum and contact an bed bug control expert to eradicate the bed bug issue the bed bug problem will be taken care of and you and your tenant can get back to a normal life. Pointing fingers and blaming tenants can have a negative effect and result in tenants failing to notify you that they have a bed bug issue and attempting to control bed bugs on their own.  Over the counter products to control bed bugs generally perpetuate the bed bug problem and may cause bed bugs to spread into adjacent units.  That’s something that needs to be avoided to save you headaches and money.

5. Do not attempt to treat the bed bugs yourself
Avoid the temptation to treat bed bug infestations using products available on the internet or at a local hardware store.  These products often contain a chemistry that will spread bed bugs instead of killing them.  Fogging and sprays can be sensed by bed bugs and the bugs will dive deeper into cracks and crevices, making professional treatments more difficult and potential spreading bed bugs to originally un-infested units.

6. Inspect adjacent units  
Often times the squeaky wheel get the grease.  A good tenant may call to report a bed bug problem that may have originated in an adjacent unit.  The old adage one man’s trash is another man’s treasure is a perfect example.  A tenant may have had bed bugs for months and attempted to treat them themselves causing bed bugs to spread to other units.  Once the spread occurs “good” tenants may begin to call.  Any time a bed bug infestation is confirmed in a unit, an inspection of adjacent units must be conducted.  This adjacent inspection helps ensure that the bed bug treatment will be effective and help rule out the possibility that bed bugs came from another unit (many tenants effected with bed bugs will attempt to blame adjacent units for their problem) being proactive and inspecting those units will help put tenants mind at ease and help you get to the bottom of the bed bug problem.

7. Be honest about bed bugs and encourage an open discussion with your tenants
Being open and honest with tenants about bed bugs will help you stay on top of any potential bed bug issues.  If you start off right from the top with a lease addendum, your tenants will be aware that bed bugs are a serious issue and you know exactly what to do in the event bed bugs might find their way onto your property.  We have conducted training sessions with tenants during community gatherings.  There is a lot of misinformation and just plain untruths when it comes to bed bugs.  Taking the chance to educate tenants about bed bug facts is a good practice and helps to ensure bed bug issues will be reported to you quickly!

If you’re interested in Des Moines Bed Bug Treatments for your apartments contact us today.  We are Des Moines and Central Iowa’s bed bug experts.  We utilize heat to control bed bugs.

Our system is designed to prevent any damage to the building and property while eliminating bed bugs quickly and effectively.  We have successfully treated thousands of apartment units with little to no failures.  Do you have sprinklers in your buildings?  No problem, we utilize a specialized cover to prevent degrading the mercury switch for the sprinkler head.  If you have a bed bug problem, we have a solutions.  Give us a call today!