Each year, central Iowa experiences a dramatic array of weather conditions. We endure frozen winters, sticky summers, torrential rainfall, and periodic droughts. These fluctuations affect pest behavior and their presence in our lives.

Grasping the seasonal patterns of pest behavior helps homeowners employ effective pest control measures. This guide by Janssen Pest Solutions presents a monthly analysis of pest activity in Central Iowa, and offers valuable insights into the preventive actions homeowners should implement to safeguard their homes.


January marks the peak of winter in central Iowa. Cold temperatures and frequent snowfall drive many pests indoors. Common January invaders include mice, rats, and spiders. Food, warmth, and light draw these critters inside.

It’s important to be proactive in pest control during January. Sealing cracks, ensuring proper insulation, and practicing good sanitation helps deter these pests. Practicing these habits at the beginning of the year helps them become part of your monthly maintenance routine moving forward.

If you notice signs of infestation, consider hiring a pest control professional. When you contact an expert early on, you reduce the risk of long-term damage. Tackling pest issues head-on is the best way to prevent large-scale issues. 


As frigid temperatures continue through February, homeowners may notice an influx of indoor pests. Spiders, stink bugs, ladybugs, and other shelter-seekers may start emerging from their hiding spots.

To combat this, it’s crucial to practice proactive home maintenance. Regular cleaning and vacuuming play a pivotal role. Pay special attention to small corners and hidden space. Minimizing these hiding spots creates a less hospitable environment for unwanted visitors.


Iowa pest prevention is a year-round endeavor. As temperatures rise, a new set of challenges emerges. One notable change is the heightened presence of ants as they become more active in their search for food. Ant activity becomes more noticeable both indoors and outdoors.

It’s crucial to take preventative measures to prevent infestations. Start by sealing any potential entry points that ants may exploit. Minimizing these access points creates a barrier that deters  invasion. 

Make sure to keep food stored in airtight containers. This practice denies ants access to food sources. Maintaining a clean living space is equally important, as ants are attracted to crumbs and spills. Regular cleaning routines, especially in kitchens and dining areas, significantly reduces the likelihood of ant infestations.


As temperatures continue rising through April, homeowners should be particularly vigilant about termite activity. Termites are especially concerning this time of year. They become more active and inflict extensive home damage.

Recognizing the signs of termite activity is crucial for early intervention. Discarded wings, mud tubes on walls, and hollow-sounding wood are all signs of termite presence. If you notice any of these indicators, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. 

Do not take termite presence lightly. Professional termite control is highly suggested. 


With summer just around the corner, you may notice more mosquito activity. Warm weather creates optimal conditions for mosquitoes to thrive. However, you can minimize their impact.

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so eliminating standing water helps reduce their populations. Take care of clogged gutters and check rainwater receptacles, like flower pot saucers and bird baths.

Other outdoor pests, such as ticks and fleas, may become more prevalent. Proper lawn maintenance and pet care become paramount.


The beginning of summer brings the buzz of carpenter bees. These wood-boring insects cause damage to many structures. Homeowners should regularly inspect and treat wooden surfaces to deter carpenter bee activity. 

Inspect wooden surfaces for perfectly round, dime-sized holes accompanied by a sawdust-like material. These holes may indicate carpenter bee nesting sites. 

Treating wooden surfaces with appropriate products helps deter carpenter bee activity. Applying sealants, stains, and paint to wooden structures makes them less attractive to bees. 

You may also notice an influx of wasps or hornets. If you find a nest on your property, it’s best to use professional intervention. Instead of risking a nasty sting, contact a pest control professional for help.


As temperatures soar in July, flies become abundant. They’re a nuisance both indoors and outdoors, but you don’t have to let them ruin your summer fun. 

Implement proper waste management to control fly populations. Secure trash bins with tight-fitting lids and regularly remove garbage from your home. If you start noticing flies inside, sticky or electrical traps may help lower populations.

Homeowners should also be vigilant against pantry pests like beetles and moths. Make sure food is properly sealed to prevent infestations. 


As summer winds down, cooler temperatures are just around the corner. At this time, rodent activity may increase again.

Recheck your home for cracks and holes, and address entry points as needed. Focus on areas around doors, windows, and utility penetrations. Rodents can exploit even the smallest openings, so thorough inspections and timely repairs are crucial.


As September arrives, homeowners should be mindful of seasonal invaders like boxelder bugs and Asian lady beetles. These pests become a nuisance as temperatures drop. They’re attracted to warmth, and often gather in large numbers on sunny days. When the sun is shining, you may notice clusters on the outside of your home.

Double-check your home’s exterior for potential entry points. Consider equipping windows with screens as an extra preventative measure.

As temperatures drop in October, spiders reemerge. Spiders typically come indoors through windows, doors, cracks, and exterior gaps. They may also find their way inside while hunting for insects.

Perform regular cleaning routines, focusing on corners and windowsills. Spiders tend to build webs in these areas. Removing existing webs discourages spiders from establishing themselves in these locations.


In November, homeowners should focus on winterization. Taking proactive steps helps reduce winter infestations. You’ll enjoy a more comfortable and energy-efficient living environment throughout the colder months.

Seal potential entry points and store food in pest-proof containers. Additionally, clear debris and trim vegetation around your home’s perimeter. This practice removes potential hiding spots near your home’s foundation.


When it comes to pest management, December presents unique risks. Stored seasonal decor creates ideal hiding conditions for pests. Infrequent inspection allows pests to go unnoticed until it’s time to decorate.

Thoroughly inspect items for signs of pest activity. Keep an eye out for droppings, nests, and damage. By examining stored items before decking the halls, you can prevent pests from migrating to other areas.

In central Iowa, pest control is a year-round consideration, but you don’t need to do the work alone. An expert can help create a customized plan to prevent uninvited houseguests.

Contact us today to schedule an inspection and take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable home. Trust Janssen Pest Solutions for effective, reliable, and personalized care.