Honey Bees are a critical part of food production but did you know just how cool they are?
Honey bees, buzzing around the new blossoms of spring bring delight and also fear to many. Here are some amazing facts about honey bees.
Did you know?
Unlike other social wasp and bee varieties honey bees maintain its colony size all throughout the winter?
Honey bees must maintain a core hive temperature of 90 degrees even when its -10 degrees outside, and how they do this is nothing short of amazing. The honey bees form a ball around the hive and then begin to vibrate and dance around in order to generate enough heat to keep there hive warm. Even more interesting is that the bees in the warmer core of this ball will rotate to the outer area of the ball to allow other bees on the outer area to move to the center of the ball and warm up.
Pollen is not just for allergies
Honey bees utilize pollen as a food sources and is rich in protein. Honey bees collect pollen as well as nectar to produce nutrient rich food sources to maintain a healthy colony. honey bees collect pollen on the “hairy” portions of their rear legs and bring this back to consume. The plant nectar That honey bees collect is deposited into the comb and dried to produce a super considerate we all call HONEY!
When bee keepers “smoke” honey bee nest honey bees become far less aggressive.
The process of “smoking” a nest is used by bee keepers to calm a honey bee hive and allow the bee keeper to harvest honey. When smoking a nest the bee keeper uses a device that puffs smoke from a small fire into the nest. This triggers a nearly instant response in the honey bees to gorge themselves on honey. They do this because the smoke simulates a forest fire and bees begin to prepare for a long journey to find a new nesting site by consuming energy (honey). Like thanksgiving dinner after eating a heavy dose of food we become lethargic, so do honey bees.
Honey bees are mathematicians
Scientists have believe that honey bees can calculate angles and comprehend the roundness of earth! Their 6 sided honey comb provides maximum space efficiency to store their food and double as a home. In order to produce 1 oz of wax, bees must consume 8 oz of honey. That takes a lot of work, and they can waist even an once. Their 6 sided combs provide the solution. This is truly and amazing behavior that maximizes efficiency and honey production!
Honey bees done usually die when they sting.
When it comes to protecting their territory from predators honey bees are well equipped for the job. Honey bees use their stingers to defend their hive from predators and other insects. They are able to sting soft skinned insects and predators as many times as needed. Humans on the other hand have thick skin and unfortunately their stinger often gets stuck in this thick skin. Once the bee flies off with out its stinger, it done for.
Young Honey bees have to earn their keep.
Honey bees are a social insect with orders and casts. The youngest honey bees are required to act as the hive janitors and clean the hive and cells be fore they are allowed to leave the nest and forage for pollen and nectar.