This is a special year in the Midwest for a coinciding two brood periodic Cicada emergence affecting primarily Illinois, Missouri and Iowa. For our Greater Des Moines and Central Iowa market, Cicadas from Brood XIX (2011 last emergence) and Brood XIII (2017 last emergence) have not had a simultaneous hatch out since 1803 … and yes Thomas Jefferson was President.

To remind our clients and the general public these few bullet points:
- Hatch out will occur when soil temperature gets to 64 degrees. We have had a warm winter that could start as early as late April; or by the time you are reading this they might already be here with a heightened two week emergence target of mid May.
- Cicadas cause no harm or impact on Humans.
- Cicadas emerge from the ground; and provide natural aeration and upon their natural demise provide nitrogen and nutrients back to the soil.
- Expect to be serenaded and expect to see cast skins on tree branches.
- Cicadas emergence is a natural phenomenon and is beneficial to the environment; they cannot and should not be controlled via pesticide applications.
- This co-emergence will not happen again in our life-times. Enjoy the wonderment as we did the eclipse a few weeks back.
Cicadas in Iowa, particularly the periodical cicadas, offer a fascinating glimpse into the rhythmic cycles of nature. These insects, known for their prominent bulging eyes and distinctive songs, emerge in vast numbers every 17 years in the state. During their brief adult life above ground, typically lasting about four to six weeks, the air fills with their loud, buzzing mating calls, creating a natural symphony that marks the arrival of summer. Iowa’s landscapes are transformed as these cicadas participate in their age-old reproductive dance, leaving behind their nymph shells attached to tree trunks and branches. The spectacle is not only a treat for entomologists but also serves as a reminder of the intricate temporal patterns that govern the natural world.